by Bruce P. Grether

In this case, "how" also means "with what qualities." The World as we know it is created constantly by the millions of human males at every moment who are masturbating. Some may dismiss such an idea as ridiculous because of conditioned negativity that surrounds masturbation. Only, please bear with me.

Vitruvian Man: Circle Squared, Centered on His Phallus
This is the literal truth behind the Egyptian creation myth of Ra-Atum, Lord of the Primordial Mound. This is your truth and that of all men.

Atum constantly strokes his Golden Phallus, which is also the Sun at the heart of the Sacred Blue Lotus flower, which shines its light upon us all and gives the Gift of Life to everthing.

The quality of the self-pleasure men are giving themselves has a direct influence upon what kind of World we live in. Human civilization is our own creation that sustains us.

Though male self-pleasure is not always better for humans than copulation between the sexes or better than oral and anal sex between men--it is the solo sexuality of men that creates and sustains our civilization. It is the source of our self-esteem, our motivation.

Today, we face a challenge to improve the quality of male masturbation on Earth.

Here I AM, Doing It!
Employed moderately now and then, pornography or erotic imagery to enhance arousal can be useful. However, frequent reliance on porn for stimulus reinforces the "consumerist" society and exploitive economies we live in. It is useful to break away from that.

To consider masturbation as a substitute for other forms of sex renders the pratcice trivial. The same happens when male solo sex is used only to help you sleep. Better to restore a profound respect for this powerful and important practice!

When we stimulate our penises artfully, as a radiant spiritual practice to open our hearts and keep our hearts open, to that extent, we enhance the state of the World.

This does not mean that explicit erotic images used to stimulate male arousal are always a drawback. A great deal depends upon the intention behind creation of the images.

Honesty, sincerity and empowering intention of our practice is crucial for creating a better World through improved male self-pleasure.

This is the true Secret of the Golden Phallus: Male masturbation practiced mindfully and performed as a process of self-love and personal growth can make the World a better place!

This practice can bring Peace to this planet being destroyed by men who despise themselves. Work on loving yourself and your fellow men, and everyone!

Handsome Young Blue Tyger: my first E2 Collaborator!
Conditioning is the actual reason that male masturbation is often trivialized, laughed at, scorned, or said to be for "losers," considered misguided, wrong, or even evil. Resist that and celebrate your authentic self!

Because it is truly at the center of what we are as men, masturbation is extremely powerful and important. However, human authorities fear such creative, transformative power.

Handsome Young Henry Meadows
If we human males actually awaken our hearts with self-love in massive amounts, this spills over into a flood of Brotherly Love… something Brother Henry has helped me to realize!

This Brotherly Love, with persistence, evolves into Loving Everyone and Everything! Nothing is more of a threat to the powers that be, which is why they must denounce it!

An especially healthy, wise, beneficial form of male self-pleasure is Mindful Masturbation. Henry has become adept at this, with my coaching and with help from Russell.

These reasons are also why Love between men, not only erotic, but mental, emotional, and spiritual, are necessary to save the World.

Our beautiful planet is endangered by male self-hatred, which generates and justifies greed and violence.
We can change this!!!
Love yourself. Love your fellow men and when they are open to it, masturbate with them. The pure penis pleasure this unleashes is the most effective Path to World Peace, something politics and warfare cannot accomplish.
Above, you see the original cover art for this life-changing book, which is still my best-seller. The golden phallus on the cover (secretly based on my own penis) turned out to be too explicit for the bookstores.
However, if you have not read it and transformed your own life, or wish to share such blessings wiht other men, the book can be obtained HERE in paperback or on Kindle. Or click any of the last four images above!

Handsome Young Russell, AKA Dragon Puppy III
Following my collaborations with Blue, and before Henry joined our team, I met my primary fellow missionary of the Phallic Mysteries: Russell. He rejuvenated my enthusiasm for the Mission. my gratitude to him is boundless!

Now, after some 5 years of working together and creating scores of exquisitre videos that remain on our OnlyFans page, Russell says this on X: "I know lots of people are leaving for bluer skies, I'm going to stay here." (He means, on X!)

"Even though I'm no longer making content & offering coaching, I'm still going to share my Mindful Masturbation journey, now as an Erotic Wizard in the real world."

"3D connection is the Magick now. " So Russell is on a hiatus from this site, from coaching and from leading our Full Moon Groups, but he's still in this orbit!

The handsome, talented, well-known young man above studied Mindful Masturbation many years ago, and hopefully that still influences his practice and enjoyment today!
In my latest published novel, CLOUDWHALE, you enter a future society, an engineered eco-social system in which Mindful Masturbation and same-sex relations are encouraged for harmony, and are depicted explicity. Click on the image or the title in this paragraph to find it on Amazon.

As an individual, you cannot take on the responsibility to save thre World. However, loving yourself on all levels, spiritual, mental, emotion and physical, is doing your part!

This blog is published on the Full Moon of Monday, January 13th, 2025. The Full Moon is connected with the head of your penis in a number of ways I've spoke about many times.

Why is it that so often as men come into ejacuatory orgasm, their babble turns into "Oh God! Oh God! GOD!!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh God! God! Oh God!"???
Could it be that we have confused what is actually sacred and what is truly profane?
IMO, only cruelty, destruction, and violence are profane.
Those three are merely attempts to deny Love.
The rest is clearly Love itself!
Please consider supporting our Phallic Brotherhood Mission with a generous DONATION.
Peace & Loving Brotherhood,
The more I read of him the more I find myself falling in love.
its wonderful to know there are others that feel this way
You are a forebearer giving a message of self love and how it can assist in helping males turn away from violence. If l perceive my body as a sacred source of pleasure and look upon other men as a way to reinforce that pleasure l am less likely to want to kill other men in order to satisfy a desire for power. I will have found true power within myself. Thank you Brother Bruce for being a voice for the importance of self love.
Thank you, Brother Bruce, for a scholarly perspective on Male Self Love and Creation.