Phallic Brotherhood OnlyFans Page
Phallic Brotherhood is about the fact that as men we all appreciate our penises and masturbation.
We encourage you to enhance your Mindful Masturbation skills and share them with your fellow men.
What you get with your monthly OnlyFans subscription:
• Masturbation themed videos uploaded at least once a week
- Practice along with these inspirational and educational videos to develop your skills
- Videos will feature Bruce P. Grether, Russell aka Dragon Puppy III, Henry Meadows,
and a cast of other Brothers
- Contact us if you are interested in appearing in content!
• Be a part of our growing community of Phallic Brothers
- Start a dialogue by commenting on the videos
• Regular OnlyFans Live Stream Mindful Masturbation Coaching led by Russell, Henry and/or Bruce
- Tune in, participate, and interact
- Times announced in advance
- Let us know what times work for you
- We seek to accommodate men globally
We hope you enjoy your time with your Phallic Brothers!
Subscribe to our OnlyFans Page by clicking
the Golden Acorn above or clicking HERE
Online Group Masturbation Circles
For more info on Guided Group Masturbation Sessions and to sign up click on the image above or click HERE
The Men of Planet Earth are related to one another in this way: We share the admiration, adoration and fascination for male genitalia, that with the power of mindfulness, provide us with limitless bliss.
We encourage our Fellow Men of all appearances, of all sexual identities, and all cultural backgrounds, to generate and cultivate pure penis pleasure for themselves, as a means of simple enjoyment of being alive, of personal growth and well-being, of embodied consciousness expansion.
We encourage our Fellow Men to deliberately share masturbatory play with one another as a means of bonding, forming community, exploring human nature in a spirit of curiosity, Original Innocence and pure hearts, that is the authentic quality of penis pleasure. By conscious agreement, we engage in such masturbatory play together without expecting other forms of sexual contact in the context of this Brotherhood.
We recognize the beneficial, health-giving, life-enhancing qualities of joyfully stimulating our penises and awakening our entire bodies, both in solitude and when shared in conjunction with our Fellow Men.
In order to maximize the ease and comfort of this sharing for All Men, we declare this Brotherhood to be a Sacred Space of mutual respect and encouragement, free from ego games and competition.
With this Brotherhood we bypass the ordinary sex-hunt, and we let go of exerting power over anyone else, in the spirit of sharing, for the greater freedom to simply be our true selves, and to empower ourselves and our Fellow Men.
We create this Sacred Space of Brotherhood as an autonomous zone free from the judgment of others and by others, free from comparisons of appearance or personal accomplishment—in the generous spirit of Brotherly Love.
We empower this Phallic Brotherhood for the benefit of all of humanity and of the entire planet we call home.
The reality of this Phallic Brotherhood manifests through the creative power of penis-heart-mind.