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HERE you can connect with PHALLIC BROTHERS worldwide!

Guided Group Sessions OnlyFans Livestream
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Russell/ Dragon Puppy III

On a regular basis, Russell or another Brother will lead Guided Group Sessions to teach the art of Mindful Masturbation. You can join him for these experiences at the Phallic Brotherhood OnlyFans page. There he will provide guided masturbation sessions using the Go Live streaming feature. The dates and times will be posted on OnlyFans in advance. 

The Go Live feature allows OnlyFans members to watch Dragon Puppy's LIVE demonstration, but audience members will be not be seen. In case you miss one, the live streams will become permanent videos on the OnlyFans page along with all of the other wonderful Phallic Brotherhood male masturbation content we are creating for you!

You can sign up for the OnlyFans HERE or click the image below.

Circle of Men Interactive Group Video Coaching
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Are you looking for something more interactive? Would you like to see and be seen by other men? Would you like to receive direct feedback and masturbation coaching from Russell during the session? 

If so, you've come to the right place! Russell also offers group events of Phallic Brotherhood that include 2-way video interaction. Witnessing and being witnessed allows us to let go of lingering shame over this powerful and intimate activity that we are conditioned to believe should only be done in private. A great liberation and power comes from sharing one of life's great joys with fellow men.




You are invited to show up with your naked and authentic self, some coconut oil (or your favorite lube), and an eager penis! Circle of Men Sessions are 60 minutes.

View the schedule below and sign up to join your Phallic Brothers in a Sacred Self-Pleasuring Circle of Men! Check back often as dates are added.

"Let me tell you that Russell AKA Dragon Puppy III, has learned and embraced what I have to teach and offer men, faster and more completely than any other man I've coached in these practices. In just a little bit over a year, I've seen him not only change the way he masturbates, but also change himself and change the course of his life. This is why I am so pleased to recommend Russell as an excellent coach in his own right. He is living proof that this process is powerful and it works! 

"I've witnessed how he interacts with individual men and groups in this process. I really 
appreciate both what he teaches and how he teaches it. In this intimate and powerful work, you could not be in better hands. What Russell can offer you is what he himself has experienced, which is the powerful process of transformative self pleasure."

— Bruce P. Grether
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Group Masturbation Ritual!

Thursday, May 23, 2024 11am PST/ 12pm MST/ 1pm CST/ 2pm EST

Special Note About the May 23rd Circle:

The Full Moon Circle of Men is a 60 minute masturbatory ritual harnessing the power of the Full Moon, our sacred intentions, and our ability to co-create our reality using our group ejaculation.

Click the link above to register. You will be emailed a Z00M link prior to the event. Feel free to connect 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes afterwards for some Phallic Brother social time. Sign up to take your place in the group and share your Penis energy with us!

The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius will occur at 6:53am PST on Thursday, May 23, 2024, however we will be practicing a few hours later at 11am PST/ 12pm MST/1pm CST/ 2pm EST! The full moon is a three day energetic event, with a powerful window on either side of the fullest point.

Some interesting info related to this moon that could come up during our session from

The greatest need is to always search for something. In order to feel safe you might find that you need to have a goal, mission or philosophy that gives your life meaning.

With Moon in Sagittarius you have an optimistic approach to life and you believe that things will get better even if you get into trouble.

Join us and let's make some Full Moon Magick together!

Group Masturbation Lesson!

Saturday, June 8, 2024 · 11am PST/ 12pm MST/ 1pm CST/ 2pm EST

Special Note About the June 8th Lesson:

The New Moon Group Lesson is a 90 minute Mindful Masturbation class where you can learn about this empowering practice with your Phallic Brothers. Russell will lead you on a self-love journey, coaching you, giving you philosophy, and helping you plant new seeds to connect ever more deeply with your self, your inner confidence, and your greatest pleasure!

Click the link above to register. You will be emailed a Z00M link prior to the event. Feel free to connect 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes afterwards for some Phallic Brother social time. Sign up to take your place in the group and share your Penis energy with us!

The New Moon in Gemini will occur at 5:38am PST on June 6, 2024, however we will be practicing 2 days later on Saturday, June 8th at 11am PST/ 12pm MST/1pm CST/ 2pm EST! The new moon is a three day energetic event, with a powerful window on either side of the fullest point.

Some interesting info related to this moon that could come up during our session from

Moon in Gemini manifests itself by the need for changes and spontaneity. Safety lies in thinking about your feelings and sharing them with others. You can be more talkative and speak with ease these days. 

You might have a better ability to keep a cool head, but beware, cold heart can discourage others. Harmony of thinking and feeling is important.

Join us and let's make something new together during this New Moon!

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